A retro science-fiction epic set in Victorian England, Steamboy features an inventor prodigy named Ray Steam who receives a mysterious metal ball containing a new form of energy capable of powering an entire nation. This young boy must use it to fight evil, redeem his family, and save London from destruction. The lush Victorian interiors and the elegance of the era’s mechanical design allows Otomo to create dazzling visual backgrounds and machines for this film. With more than 180,000 drawing and 400 CG cuts, Steamboy is sure to be one of the most elaborate animated features of 2004.—© Sony Pictures
2 Stars
(Release Date: Spring 2005) |
A retro science-fiction epic set in Victorian England, Steamboy features an inventor prodigy named Ray Steam who receives a mysterious metal ball containing a new form of energy capable of powering an entire nation. This young boy must use it to fight evil, redeem his family, and save London from destruction. The lush Victorian interiors and the elegance of the era’s mechanical design allows Otomo to create dazzling visual backgrounds and machines for this film. With more than 180,000 drawing and 400 CG cuts, Steamboy is sure to be one of the most elaborate animated features of 2004.—© Sony Pictures
Never in my life have I ever seen so much detail in an animated film. The general world that exists in this movie is set in some parallel universe in the late 1800’s. Everything decidedly, is powered by steam. I mean everything. Which means that every vehicle or contraption is huge, lumbering, heavy, and shooting with steam. Somewhere in the back ground I think I saw a bowl of oatmeal, powered by steam of course.
The movie for the most part, is an action movie. It’s an action movie as the Japanese would do it anyway, which involves philosophy and some actual dialog. Overall, the story doesn’t hold a candle to the visuals. Not a bad thing considering that the visuals speak for themselves. I suppose one gripe I have is somewhere near the end of the movie. There’s this building pressure, the music swells, and you think, “Well, it’s ending soon here. Where are my keys? How am I going to pay for my house? The loan collectors will be here Tuesday. Maybe I can sell one of the children. Yes. Steve will get me something near 12 grand. Little Lucy could be rented into slavery. Good. I can finally be at ease and rent that nice video I’ve always wanted to see and then gravy train cow—What?”.
All of the sudden, the movie takes a 90 degree turn. It even befuddles one of the main characters. I don’t know if it was supposed to be funny or not. It seemed funny at the time anyway.
Another word of advice. If you have a problem with charming english accents, regardless of danger or zeal, you probably should back far far away from this movie. In the end, it’s a movie about man vs. man vs. nature. Naturally, nature wins out, because man is doomed to suckery.