- Title: Dragon Pink
- wiki: link
Inspired by fantasy role-playing games, with a definite early 90s computer game feel in the introductions to each story, and adapted from the manga of the same name, Dragon Pink offers three separate tales centered around a band of adventures in the not-so-heroic Santa (Chris Bowen), his catgirl slave Pink (Katsuyo Endou), the barbarian Bobo (Anthony Lawson), and the elf mage Pierce (Whitney Thompson).
The party’s highly-sexual adventures include rescuing several young women kidnapped by a Slave Witch, Pink’s troubles after Santa can’t pay a bar tab which leads her to being sold and nearly sacrificed to an evil Water Goddess, and the group doing battle with Nymphomania, The Slave Queen. In each adventure, increasingly explicit animated sex is part of both the villain’s plot and secondary to the characters’ own adventures (often with Pink being taken advantage of by both friend and foe alike).
Pink takes her lumps over the series, but is usually given the last word and get some small measure of revenge against Santa’s brutish actions. Like much adult anime or hentai, the series attempts to balance the light-hearted fun with the sexualized antics of the characters. That said, the sexual molestation sequences can be a bit much (although arguably not much more than some Blaxploitation or women-in-prison films, and I’m guessing those seeking out Dragon Pink know what they are getting themselves in for). Nearly three decades after its release, Dragon Pink is still available on DVD.