The Flash #175

The Flash #175

Who is the fastest man alive? Flashback Friday takes us back to 1967 and a race across the Milky Way for the Flash and Superman (a rematch for the race that took place in Superman #199). After a pair of gambling aliens play pranks on the two heroes, stoking their rivalry, Rokk and Sorban take the rest of the Justice League of America hostage and force the two heroes to race across the galaxy to prove once and for all who is the fastest man alive.

Exactly the kind of goofy Silver Age nonsense it sounds like, we get the two heroes racing through space with the instigators each laying death traps and diversions for the heroes who slowly start to realize there’s more going on than just a bet. The epilogue reveals the aliens to actually be the Reverse-Flash and Abra Kadabra in disguise hoping to lure the heroes to their death. As to who won the race, the comic prints two panels from different angles, allowing the reader to decide for themselves (but we all know who the fastest really is, right?).

[DC, 12¢]