The Authority #2

The Authority #2

Flashback Friday takes us back to a higher Authority. In their defense of London, The Authority #2 shows us just how scary powerful the group is that Jenny Sparks has assembled culminating in her electrocuting and drowning a large number of the Children of Kaizen Gamorra in the Thames. The second issue continues the opening arc with plenty of examples of the team kicking some serious ass together. It’s in the quiet aftermath, after the Doctor saves Apollo from going splat, however, that the comic really digs in to what makes this group tick.

We get some nice quiet moments between Jack Hawksmoor and the Engineer, and between Apollo and Jenny, both discussing Jenny’s ability, but not necessary temperament, of leading a team and the mounting pressure she’s under. Midnighter‘s better half discusses Jenny’s plans leading to some great panels that get at the core of who Jenny Sparks is and (although we don’t completely know what’s driving her) her obsession with saving the world while she can.

[WildStorm, $2.95]