Green Lantern Corps #1

After the fall of the United Planets, a new volume of Green Lantern Corps begins here with the Corps working to restore order in a universe where the emotional spectrum has gone out of whack, replenish its ranks with new recruits, and earn back some respect. With an extensive cast, the comic looks like it will focus on a revolving focus of a main character or main characters every issue/arc. Although we see the likes of Jo Mullein, Guy Gardner, Jessica Cruz, a rehabilitated Sinestro, and Simon Baz (among others), the main character in the first issue is John Stewart.

Aside from some cameos from other characters and the introduction of a separate storyline for the other Lanterns, the Stewart-driven stories we see here involve Stewart leading a group of Lanterns to capture Kanjar Ro, heading with Sinestro to the planet Tamaran to deal with an individual whose emotional constructs are threatening the planet, and the tease of a team-up with Shayera.

Green Lantern Corps #1 is a fine first issue for a comic I would expect the quality to vary wildly over its run. I would have liked more of Jessica and Jo specifically, but another run of Sinestro as a Green Lantern gives the comic an interesting idea to play with. And we get the minimum of Kyle included in the background of a single frame so the comic certainly does something right (although not including him at all would, as always, be preferable).

[DC, $3.99]