Darth Maul: Black, White & Red #3

Darth Maul: Black, White & Red #3

The standalone story of “The Mission” sends Darth Maul on a mission for his master to a moon of the planet Dawk in the Outer Rim to search out and kill a Devaronian known as Coir Cion who plans to blackmail Senator Palpatine in order to procure a pardon for his crimes. This is exactly the kind of comic I want for characters like Darth Maul and Darth Vader. Let them loose against a foe in a fury of action and slaughter. If you want to present these characters and deadly and menacing we need to see examples of this (and not Rebels running roughshod over them all the time).

Maul arrives to a fiery reception from Cion’s goons who he dispatches with ease, while also dealing later with the last holdouts and finally Cion himself. Presented from Maul’s point-of-view we also get his conflicted thoughts over his master whose power he respects but whose slow-moving machinations make the apprentice impatient.

[Marvel, $5.99]