Action Comics #1067

Action Comics #1067

Action Comics #1067 offers a tale from Superman‘s past when an investigation into a youth center getting closed down is interrupted by aliens known as the Gorathians. Superman agrees to fight the invaders’ champion, who he successfully defeats, but he’ll have to deal with the fallout next issue. The story works well enough (although I was more interested in the corruption angle before the aliens showed up), but I wasn’t wild on the art of Eddy Barrows for anyone other than Superman which seems to be going for a Neal Adams 70s vibe.

In stark contrast, the unconnected backup story takes place years later featuring growing pains for Clark and Lois as a couple with her promotion to Editor-in-Chief and removing Clark from a story involving the Atomic Skull which she thinks he’s too close to leading to friction between the pair of the Clark/Superman dynamic in terms of how it works for The Daily Planet. As with the main story, there are interesting ideas at play, but there’s nothing must-read here.

[DC, $4.99]