
Spidey Super Stories #43

Wayback Wednesday takes us back to a team-up between Spider-Man and Daredevil under the big top in the pages of Spidey Super Stories #43. After literally running into each other swinging around the Manhattan skyline, the characters will be brought back together at the circus where Peter is sent to take photos for The Daily Bugle and where Karen and Foggy take Matt Murdock as a surprise. What neither hero knows is the circus is under the control of the Ringmaster and his mind-controlling magic hat. No, really.

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Zatanna #2

I was more interested in who was included in the pages of Zatanna #2 than what occurred. Mostly the comic features Zatanna popping up here and there with a magical sword shoved through her chest that no one else can see (making it hard for the character to explain the situation to others she comes across) and only the person who put it there can remove. At only the second issue in the series it does already feel a bit like filler.

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G.I. JOE #5

G.I. JOE #5 primarily focuses on the escape of Duke, the Baroness, Cover Girl, Risk, and Stalker from M.A.R.S. Industries where Duke receives a not-so-nice welcome from Destro before Clutch‘s theft of a H.I.S.S Tank begins their flight to freedom. We get plenty of action in the escape including Duke rallying the group to action with the franchise’s most famous phrase.

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The Question: All Along the Watchtower #5

With the entire Watchtower under Cyborg-Superman‘s control, Renee races against the clock to prevent the station’s destruction. After a bit of a recap for those who may have not read the previous four issues (I guess?), we get a bit of the Question fighting through the (still conscious) mind-controlled heroes, some of whom are momentarily able to fight Cyborg-Superman’s control to offer some help. Meanwhile, our out-of-control villain even turns on his allies to complete his plans to kill everyone on the station.

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Nick Fury vs. Fin Fang Foom

In a title just ridiculous for me to get behind, this one shot from J. Michael Straczynski and Elena Casagrande offer up this adventure set during prior to the United States entering WWII in which Nick Fury accepts a job from Happy Sam to investigate why the secret supplies the U.S. have been smuggling into China to help them fight Japan are not making it into the battlefield. Helping him on his mission are a group of soldiers who will later make a name for themselves as the Howling Commandos.

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