December Lambeth

Flash of Genius

  • Title: Flash of Genius
  • IMDB: link

I’ve got to admit I was really skeptical at first, who wants to go see a movie about windshield wiper blades? I think that these real life stories are great, but should be betrayed in small indie films instead of mainstream fare. There are so many stories of “the man” and “big bad corporations” beating the little people down and somehow the little people go out on their own, representing themselves in court and win.

My question is how the hell did they get by all those years that they spent every day, all day, fighting the corporate monster? What did they live on? You never, or hardly, see them work or have a 9 to 5, so how did they make it? Was it an easier time, era?

Most of these stories are set back in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s, was it easier to get disability, welfare, live off the lamb? Then you have to wonder why we don’t see these stories set in today’s time? What, from the 90’s on no one can compete, we all except being beat down and simply take being walked on by corporate America?

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Eagle Eye

  • Title: Eagle Eye
  • IMDB: link

I’m afraid. I’m afraid, Dave. Dave, my mind is going. I can feel it. I can feel it. My mind is going. There is no question about it. I can feel it. I can feel it. I can feel it. I’m a… fraid. Good afternoon, gentlemen. I am a HAL 9000 computer. I became operational at the H.A.L. plant in Urbana, Illinois on the 12th of January 1992. My instructor was Mr. Langley, and he taught me to sing a song. If you’d like to hear it I can sing it for you. Damn I did it again, I keep getting Eagle Eye confused with 2001: A Space Odyssey, how clumsy of me.

Jerry (Shia LaBeouf) is an underachiever, he does very little to simply get by; shortly following his brother’s death Jerry is thrown into a whirlwind of shit and finds himself in a life threatening situation with a perfect stranger. Rachel (Michelle Monaghan), a beautiful and young single mom, is forced by a mysterious phone call to assist Jerry in some diabolical plan that has them fleeing from Agent Thomas Morgan (Billy Bob Thornton) a sarcastic butt of a FBI agent, and eluding Zoe Perez (Rosario Dawson), Air Force Officer.

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  • Title: Choke
  • IMDB: link

“You Touched My Woo Woo!”

If you have a sensitive gag reflex then Choke is not the film for you there are plenty of scenes that will make you gasp, feel your tongue swell and the bile rise.  Throughout the story there is never a redeeming quality about any one single character and ultimately they are all pathetic and desperate, but this merely adds to the humor.

Victor (Sam Rockwell) is a med school drop out, a sex addict, a sleaze ball and a very confused clone of Jesus….of who? That’s right; Vic’s mom Ida (Anjelica Huston) was part of a top-secret experiment in Rome, when 5 women were impregnated with the genetic material from the Holy Vessels foreskin. And if you believe that, then I’ve got another story to sell you about a hairy beast that lives in the woods with a big foot.

Seriously part of the story runs a muck when Ida tells her lawyer, aka son Victor that she’s been keeping a secret all these years and must tell Victor who his real dad is before she’s moved up to the 3rd floor, the floor for the dead.

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All Roads Lead Home

  • Title: All Roads Lead Home
  • IMDB: link

Belle (Vivien Cardone) is forced to learn some pretty tough life lessons at the young age of 12. She loses her mother in an automobile accident and blames her father, Cody (Jason London) an animal control officer in Kansas City, for pulling the plug and ultimately gets to go live with Grandpa Hock (Peter Coyote) who trains and sells horses, for a short summer. Cody believes that his wife’s father can help straighten Belle out and get her on the right track.

While dealing with Grandpa Hock’s cold streak, Belle uncovers a friend in Basham (Evan Parke) a work hand on her grandpa’s farm. As the two grow close and start to see the similarities between them, she notices that Basham has a kind heart towards all animals and explains to Belle that she needs to treat her grandfather with the same type of unconditional love. He believes that ole’ Hock needs a tender hand, a hug every now & then and told he’s doing a great job.

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The Dark Knight

  • Title: The Dark Knight
  • IMDB: link

“Why… so… serious?”

In a summer of super heroes and villains both on screen and off screen The Dark Knight rises above and knocks all of them off the charts. This film will stand the test of time going darker and deeper into a world of crime and punishment than anybody ever has for a comic book film. The Dark Crusader (Christian Bale) holds on to what little humanity he has through his close companions Alfred Pennyworth (Michael Caine) and Lucius Fox (Morgan Freeman), if not for them he would loose all compassion and be swallowed into his own mask of self-pity and battling ego.

Alfred, is life time friend and butler, keeps it real, he reminds Bruce Wayne from time to time that causalities occur and it’s his role as Batman to endure and move on. Sometimes you have to accept the loss of a few innocents to save the masses. Lucius is Bruce’s right-hand man at both running his company and building him the most recent vehicles, uniforms and gadgets to keep Batman safe on the streets of Gotham. Lucius also does a great job of reminding Bruce when he is crossing over into territory that goes too far in the name of saving Gotham City and its residence.

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