Lois & Clark – Witness

  • Title: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman – Witness
  • wiki: link

Lois & Clark - Witness

Superman Saturday takes us back 90s Metropolis when ABC made you believe big city reporters could break any story, and, when necessary, that one of them could fly. Looking to expose the evil machinations of Barbara Trevino (Claudette Nevins) concerning illegal mining in the Amazon Rainforest, reclusive scientist Dr. Vincent Winninger (Elliott Gould) offers Lois (Teri Hatcher) a once-in-a-lifetime interview only to for her to witness his murder. She identifies the killer, or at least thinks she has, when in fact the real killer is makeup artist Sebastian Finn (played by several actors but credited to William Mesnik) who has a talent for disguising himself as virtually anyone.

Despite the warnings from her coworkers, Lois fails to take any threat against her seriously although a charming visit from Superman and an attempt on her life by someone disguised as her landlord (Brian George) gives her second thoughts. While allowing for a low-budget approach with different actors standing in for the killer, the concept works well especially in scenes where Lois’ paranoia goes into overdrive. The only real negative to the story is the motivations for attacks on Lois don’t make much sense. The only evidence she hasn’t can’t implicate Trevino and she couldn’t have possibly ever identified the killer under his makeup.

The episode begins with a comedy pre-credit sequence featuring Clark and Lois hitting balls at a driving range. With Lois off getting more balls, Phil Mickelson offers Clark some suggestions on his swing leading to super results. We get a similar segment later in the episode when Superman shows up to a local school for Career Day garnering all the attention away from the other guests. Although he does save her life on multiple occasions during the episode, in the climax “Witness” is notable for Superman showing up after Lois has taken down Barbara Trevino, with the help of Jimmy (Michael Landes). And the episode has also one of the few honest heart-to-hearts between Lois and Cat Grant (Tracy Scoggins) over the course of her one season on the show.