Spider-Man: Black Suit & Blood #1

Spider-Man: Black Suit & Blood #1

Ignoring the change to singe-issue stories used in the latest Darth Maul series, Marvel returns to the basic format of telling multiple Spider-Man stories from different creative teams these white and black anthologies. Spider-Man: Black Suit and Blood #1 offers four separate stories of Spider-Man over time during which he wore the black costume design introduced in Secret Wars.

“Losing Face” examines Spider-Man’s relationship with a low-level snitch Joe Face who Spidey once took a chance on and he turned his life around. It’s the only story of the bunch that features Spidey in a black costume after he has left the symbiote. Told through a paranoid Mary Jane‘s perspective, “Inside the House” deals with her becoming aware of the symbiote Peter brought home and how it is changing both of them. “Dysmorphia” is similar with Peter running from the symbiote. On the anniversary of Peter first bonding with the symbiote on Battleworld we get “Fade to Black” as an attempt by the symbiote to try and reunite with him.

[Marvel, $5.99]