Wizards of Waverly Place – New Employee

  • Title: Wizards of Waverly Place – New Employee
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Wizards of Waverly Place - New Employee

Wayback Wednesday takes us back to a family of wizards living in Waverly Place. “New Employee” sees two characters entering the job market for the first time. Hoping to spend more time with her best-friend, Alex (Selena Gomez) convinces her parents to hire Harper (Jennifer Stone) only to discover she’s the worst waitress who ever lived. However, a quick bit of magic fixes that. Although the new Harper is less interested in spending time with her friend than being amazing at her job. The B-story involves Justin (David Henrie) starting a tutoring business only to draw the ire of a little kid who attempts to bully him into sharing his profits.

One of the goofier episodes so far, “New Employee” is notable for Three Stooges level of bad Harper begins and ends the episode with along with some quick cuts showcasing how amazing she can be with a little magic push. Although Alex is remorseful about her fight with her friend, she doesn’t show much remorse for magically screwing with her multiple times over the course of the episode. We also get Harper and Alex’s hat dance which appears multiple times (points for the multiple Keira Knightley references) and more over-the-top comedy in Harper and Alex’s reconciliation in the yogurt shop. The Justin storyline is all filler with an obvious conclusion it takes him far too long to realize as the logistics of little kids bullying him simply don’t work. In the end, everything goes back to normal.