Star Trek #22

Star Trek #22

Part 4 of the “Pleroma” storyline, the universe is dying as the gods watch from the bubble of the Pleroma where Captain Benjamin Sisko discusses the fate of all space and time with his Celestial Mother, young Ensign Lily Sato makes a pivotal decision, and Dr. Beverly Crusher has a reunion with the son she lost to his travels. The theme of mothers as sons is strong here, although in both pairings it isn’t exactly what you would call a normal relationship (even by Star Trek standards).

Star Trek #22 is a very talky issue delving into philosophy and fate, much of it involving Sisko’s mother struggling to make her son understand his role within the framework of spacetime, before Sato’s decision forces harsh reality to break the protective bubble of the Pleroma and throws another couple of recognizable STNG characters into the mix. Oh, and to give us someone sticking up for these gods, we get Scotty spewing a bit of hate to them for their inaction while watching the universe burn.

[IDW, $4.99]