- Title: Batman: The Animated Series – The Clock King
- wiki: link
Throwback Tuesday takes us back to Gotham City for another episode of Batman: The Animated Series. The aptly named episode introduces the Clock King (Alan Rachins) as a disgruntled efficiency expert out for revenge. Opening with a flashback we see the unfortunate series of events that befalls Tempus Fugate when taking the advice of Hamilton Hill (Lloyd Bochner). Blaming Hill for the loss of his company, and wasting his time (an even greater offense), Fugate resurfaces seven years later attacking the now Mayor’s reputation at every opportunity. While far more toned-down and dapper than several other versions of the character over the years, Fugite’s eye to detail helps him plan the attacks down to the second and also allows him to come as close to any villain in the show’s history of taking out Batman (Kevin Conroy) for good. The episode is also memorable for Batman doing all of his crimefighting in the daytime for a change and the climax inside a clock tower where Batman is able to save the mayor, although the Clock King does manage to escape.