December 16, 2024

NCIS: Origins – Vivo o Muerto

  • Title: NCIS: Origins – Vivo o Muerto
  • wiki: link

The case of a Navy seaman abducted by a human trafficking ring leads Gibbs (Austin Stowell) and Dominguez (Mariel Molino). However, things get more interesting when cartel responsible is revealed to be the same cartel that killed Gibbs’ family. “Vivo o Muerto” plays the “everyone on deck” trope with lots of work in the office while Gibbs and Dominguez, and eventually Franks (Kyle Schmid), work to track down not only the seaman but several other women all held by the cartel whose members include the man Gibbs has been hunting since his return from overseas.

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Batman: Dark Patterns #1

After three years patrolling the streets, the new twelve-issue maxi-series opens with a Batman jaded to the problems of Gotham City he can’t solve while continuing his crusade to help where he can. Batman: Dark Patterns #1 brings the latest victim of a serial killer to Batman’s attention, killed, like the others, by literally being tortured to death. After running into more trouble that he should looking into the first victim of the killer, the Dark Knight Detective makes a connection between the lawyer and the other victims.

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Interior Chinatown – Kung Fu Guy

  • Title: Interior Chinatown – Kung Fu Guy
  • IMDb: link

At first Willis Wu (Jimmy O. Yang) is ecstatic at his new role of Tech Guy. Other than short interruptions by Turner (Sullivan Jones) and Green (Lisa Gilroy) to enhance evidence, Willis is left alone to explore hours of video of his brother (Chris Pang). Lana Lee (Chloe Bennet) also joins him his as well, spending more time together looking into his brother, what exactly he was doing for the department, and any reference to the Painted Dragons. However, an odd clip of the two detectives (Maury Sterling and Spencer Neville) who recruited him leads Willis down a rabbit hole forcing him to question everything he knows. And then, just to confuse him further, one last new piece of evidence leads him to the last place he ever expected: home.

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