- Title: Batman: The Movie (1966)
- IMDb: link
“What has yellow skin and writes?”
“A ball-point banana!”
Batman (Adam West) and Robin (Burt Ward) take on one of their biggest challenges yet as four of the villains from the 60’s Television show team-up to take down the Dynamic Duo and kidnap the World Security Council, turn them into dust, and hold the world hostage. You know, just your average run-of-the-mill day in Gotham City.
Although not as good as the series itself (it was filmed during the hiatus between the first and second seasons), the film does capture the spirit and campiness fans of the show came to love.
We get ridiculous riddles which are reasoned (and I use that term loosely) in an insanely twisted logic to unexpected, and quite unbelievable, answers. Oh, and don’t forget the suicidal porpoise.
Holy 60’s Movie Batman!Read More »