- Title: Atomic Robo Vol. 5 #3 (of 5)
- Comic Vine: link
- Writer: Brian Clevinger
- Artist: Scott Wegener

“The Deadly Art of Science” continues as Atomic Robo learns from vigilante Jack Tarot (somewhat successfully), fights a giant robot (less successfully), and learns a few things from Jack’s daughter Helen (smoochie-smoochie!).
Although Tarot has little respect for out hero’s ability in the field (he’d rather work with a gorilla), Tarot is impressed with his scientific knowledge and astounded when Robo helps make a break in the case. What else can the vigilante do but reluctantly agree to train the troublesome robot?
A very enjoyable issue all around punctuated with Tarot’s increasingly short-temper towards all of Atomic Robo’s “help.” And aside from giving or hero his first kiss, Helen also teaches him a lesson about family which gives us a nice closing sequence between Robo and his creator Nikola Tesla that brings the pair’s confrontation earlier in the issue full circle. Worth a look.
[Red 5, $3.50]