- Title: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #20
- Comic Vine: link
- Writers: Kevin Eastman, Tom Waltz
- Artist: Ben Bates
The Teenage Mutant Turtles’ adventure in Dimension X comes to a close as Leonardo and Michelangelo take on General Krang to save the King and Queen as Raphael fights alongside the Neurtrino rebels in this action-packed issue.
The fight between Krang and Leo and Mikey is the real standout, although there’s plenty of action for Raphael (who even gets to shoot an alien bazooka). We also get an interesting discussion between Donatello and Professor Honeycutt about the method of transport to and from Dimension X and how that ties into Splinter‘s belief about his family’s reincarnation as they work on finishing the Neutrinos secret weapon.
Although Honeycutt eventually hands himself over to Krang who makes his escape, the Turtles are able to save the King and Queen and make it home safely where Karai has been getting into some mischief of her own on Burnow Island involving some stolen mutigen (perhaps foreshadowing the introduction Rocksteady and Bebop). Worth a look.
[IDW, $3.99]