- Title: G.I. JOE: Snake Eyes #4
- Comic Vine: link
- Writer: Chuck Dixon
- Artist: Robert Atkins

Snake Eyes is free, but he’s still a captive deep inside the mountain fortress of Vikrim Khalikhan whose left the deadly Slice and Dice, and a whole army of soldiers, to deal with the Joe’s most dangerous warrior. As Snake Eyes fights the assassins, Helix goes after Khalikhan, and Iceberg has to figure out how to get the wounded Alpine, and himself, off the top of a Himalayan Mountain alive.
The end of this first story arc is heavy on action, both deep inside the base and on the mountain tops as Iceberg and Alpine fend off squadron of COBRA Flight Pods. Damn, I haven’t seen one of those in years! Well done.
The issue ends with a conversation between Snake Eyes and Scarlett to end the issue which gives us some clues as to Snake Eyes next “outside the box” assignment. I’m a little unsure of the final page’s reveal, but the rest of the comic is strong enough I’ll wait to see just what the Sword of Genghis Khan’s role in the upcoming story might be. Worth a look.
[IDW, $3.99]