- Title: The Savage Hawkman #1
- Comic Vine: link
- Writer: Tony S. Daniel
- Artist: Philip Tan

In terms of convoluted history there are few who can stand toe-to-toe with Hawkman. The character has been rebooted so many times, each adding a unique spin from everything from a reincarnated Egyptian pharaoh to a space cop, it would be almost impossible to add anything new to the mix that would make less sense. And yet, writer Tony S. Daniel finds a way.
This issue is a mess in every sense of the word. We begin with a distraught Carter Hall actually shooting his costume with a gun in the middle of the forest in an attempt to kill his alter-ego. And that makes far more sense that what follows as Hall seems to become possessed by the Nth metal which generates from his body when he’s attacked by an alien artifact.
Artist Philip Tan gives us a couple of beautiful panels, including a nice reveal of Hawman, but for the most part the art is as jumbled as the story.
If you’ve always wanted Hawkman to be more like Witchblade then this is your comic. For everyone else, however, it’s a huge disappointment. Pass.
[DC, $2.99]