- Title: The Flash #20
- Comic Vine: link
- Writers: Francis Manapul, Brian Buccellato
- Artist: Francis Manapul

The return of writer/artist Francis Manapul marks the beginning of a new arc as Barry Allen returns to work at the police station, although in the Paper Morgue rather than the Crime Lab, puts the past behind him and recommits himself to his relationship with Patty Spivot, investigates a weird artifact that is somehow powered by the Speed Force, and begins looking into the deaths of Albert and Marissa who the police suspect was killed by Gomez.
Although the villain makes only a cameo at the beginning of the issue to kill Marissa, The Flash #20 officially kicks off the Reverse-Flash arc (complete with the villain’s awful New 52 makeover). Barry’s only lead is the lightning symbol which mistakenly believes is tied to Kid Flash not the hero’s greatest villain who he has yet to meet.
It’s great to see Manapual and his beautiful art of the Flash in action return. Next month offers the first meeting between Flash and Kid Flash and you have to wonder with the unseen villain targeting those who were temporarily trapped in the Speed Force how long it will take Barry to realize Iris is likely his next target. Worth a look.
[DC, $2.99]