- Title: The Flash #14
- Comic Vine: link
- Writers: Francis Manapul, Brian Buccellato
- Artist: Francis Manapul

“Gorilla Warfare” continues as the Rogues battle Grodd‘s invading gorilla army the Flash races a Speed Force-enhanced Gorilla Grodd around Central City who is determined to kill the Flash and claim the Speed Force for his own. Meanwhile, Turbine enlists the help of Patty Spivot and Solovar to help save both the scarlet speedster and Central City.
Once again writer/artist Francis Manapul delivers some great, and beautifully drawn, action that showcases Barry’s intelligence as well as his speed. It’s interesting to note that the first super-speed villain the New 52 sends against the Flash isn’t the Reverse-Flash (who we’ve yet to see) but a sped-up Grodd.
I’m not all to pleased with Patty discovering Barry’s secret identity, as I’d like to see the character phased-out of the New 52 as soon as possible, as this likely means she’ll be around awhile (or killed off rather quickly). However, I am glad to see the introduction of Solovar here as well as the idea that Barry’s super-suit doesn’t offer him the same protection while fighting other speedsters. Worth a look.
[DC, $2.99]