- Title: The Flash #10
- Comic Vine: link
- Writers: Francis Manapul, Brian Buccellato
- Artist: Francis Manapul

Following the format of the last couple of issues, Flash #10 continues with the introduction of another New 52 version of the hero’s Rogues Gallery, the Weather Wizard, as the Flash attempts to track down Patty Spivot to tell her Barry Allen is the Flash.
The open pages are a little odd, and I certainly felt like I missed an issue through most of the first-half of the comic. Thankfully the story is filled later, but it is a little awkwardly done (almost as an afterthought).
The Weather Wizard has always been one of the Flash’s more lackluster villains, so the new version doesn’t have much to live up to. The introduction to the character works all right, but he’s still the least interesting of the New 52 Rogues so far.
Given his need to keep running, which keeps getting in the way of Barry’s life, and his desire to no longer hurt Patty anymore, the Flash decides Barry Allen needs to stay dead. I’m not sure I like this turn, or leaving Iris still stuck in limbo, but I’ll stick around to see how it plays out. Up next, Heat Wave. Worth a look.
[DC, $2.99]