- Title: Green Lantern #10
- Comic Vine: link
- Writer: Geoff Johns
- Artist: Doug Mahnke

With the Indigo Tribe released from the control of their shattered Power Battery, and with only a minimal charge left in their rings, Hal Jordan and Sinestro find themselves running for their lives from a group of the universes most deadly and dangerous killers.
“The Secret of the Indigo Tribe” concludes with the return of the status quo. Black Hand is able to escape the Tribe for an alternative as his death gives birth the New 52‘s first Black Lantern. Hopefully this won’t mean the return of other zombie members of its Corps as we really, really don’t need to relive Blackest Day in the New 52.
I’m pretty sure that Black Lanterns weren’t at (or anywhere near) the top of the list of what DC’s reboot was missing, but it looks like they’re back. The comic does give us some more strong interplay with Sinestro and Hal as well show us how much Sinestro respects Hal’s ability and bravery (regardless of what he may say to the Earthman’s face). Worth a look.
[DC, $2.99]