- Title: Batman #7
- Comic Vine: link
- Writer: Scott Snyder
- Artist: Greg Capullo

After his hallucinatory drug-induced experience in catacombs of Gotham City, Batman finally makes it back to the Bat Cave and immediately goes to work dissecting the body of Talon for answers into the secrets of the Court of Owls. What he founds, however, only leads to more questions.
On examining the body Batman discovers the man turned into a killing machine is actually Dick Grayson‘s great-grandfather. He also uncovers the fact that Dick was handpicked by the Court of Owls to be one of them but his parent’s death, and his adoption by Bruce Wayne put a crimp in their plans.
There was no real reason to tweak Dick’s to include the Court of Owls (which is further explored in this week’s Nightwing #7), but it’s how Batman informs him (by backhanding him so hard he looses a tooth and nearly conciousness) that I found troubling. Like much of this story arc, the latest issue of Batman is a mixed success with many more Court of Owls stories on the way. Worth a look.
[DC, $2.99]