- Title: Batman #3
- Comic Vine: link
- Writer: Scott Snyder
- Artist: Greg Capullo

Since the reboot all the Bat-titles have had their hiccups so I can’t fault writer Scott Snyder too much if the latest issue of Batman isn’t as good as the first two. Issue #3 showcasing Batman‘s detective skills (THANK YOU!!!) as the Dark Knight Detective uncovers a secret conspiracy hidden in the homes of Gotham City’s wealthiest families for decades.
Greg Capullo’s art feels a little rushed in some of the panels, especially Batman’s fight with the Whisper Gang in the Gotham City subway. Thankfully the fight is saved thanks to a Batman’s ingenious solution to take down the entire gang with the flip of a switch.
As to the Court of Owls, the uncovering of the mystery works well enough, but the conspiracy and super-secret organization full of people dressed up as owls hiding in the homes of Gotham’s most wealthy doesn’t come off any better than it sounds. Issue #3 isn’t a good as I’d like but it’s still the best of the Bat-titles. Worth a look.
[DC, $2.99]