- Title: Batman #2
- Comic Vine: link
- Writer: Scott Snyder
- Artist: Greg Capullo

Bruce Wayne has been marked for death by the mysterious group known as the Court of Owls. Writer Scott Snyder delivers another strong Batman story that explains Nightwing‘s DNA at a crime scene, sees Batman run a motorcycle into a helicopter and full speed, and Bruce Wayne survive an attack from the Court of Owls assassin on the observation deck of Wayne Tower.
First, I’ve got to mention the terrific art by Greg Capullo who really shows off Gotham in this issue as well as give us some great panels of the Dark Knight. The villain (given his look and ability to pop back up from the “dead”) reminded me a little too much of Karl Ruprecht Kroenen from the first Hellboy film, but the fight sequence on the top of Wayne Tower and in mid-air between the assassin and Bruce Wayne works well.
I’m also impressed with Snyder’s ability to capture Bruce Wayne’s arrogance while still being able to present a likable character. Even if he villain isn’t a great one Snyder’s story about the guardians of Gotham and Capullo’s art elevate the issue into one of the best of the week.
[DC, $2.99]