- Title: Morning Glories #18
- Comic Vine: link
- Writer: Nick Spencer
- Artist: Joe Eisma

“P.E.” continues, and although we don’t get any answers about the school and its mysterious ways we do learn a little about Abraham‘s group working against Morning Glories Academy. The issue is centered around Jun (really Hisao) who gets into another fight with his brother Hisao (really Jun) but is rescued by a childhood fried, Guillame.
As Guillame and Jun reconnect and kill time in a way that would be sure to make Bill O’Reilly shout down the evil homosexual comic book agenda of Image Comics, we also get flashbacks to Jun and Guillame’s time together as children growing up in Abraham’s compound.
Although the issue doesn’t really move the plot forward it does cement a couple of important points (other than Jun’s sexual preference). One, we know Jun isn’t alone working for Abraham. And two, we discover which other member of the new Morning Glories recruits is not only part of the group but in charge of their mission. It’s not who you expect. Worth a look.
[Image, $2.99]