- Title: Morning Glories #12
- Comic Vine: link
- Writer: Nick Spencer
- Artist: Joe Eisma

After giving us a series of issues centered around each of the new students at Morning Glories Academy the latest issue spotlights the return of Miss Hodge, the school’s guidance counselor.
The issue opens with Hodge’s return to the school which starts in the middle of nowhere at an apparent military facility as the character takes an elevator miles below the earth, transfers a huge empty warehouse (in a hazmat suit), and goes through a vault to to arrive at the school. I’m guessing the school doesn’t get many visitors.
The rest of the issue involves Hodge meeting with Miss Daramount, the school nurse, and several of the students one-on-one. In typical Morning Glories fashion, the meetings are far from regular talks. Hodge gives Zoe a gun, struggles to talk with Jun and Ike, and offers Casey her heart’s desire (after getting a right hook on the chin).
The addition of Hodge gives the comic yet another wild card. The start of a new arc, issue #12 is a good jump in point for those looking to jump into the series. Worth a look.
[Image, $2.99]