- Title: Teen Titans #1
- Comic Vine: link
- Writer: Scott Lobdell
- Artist: Brett Booth

This isn’t the first time I’ve said this about DC’s Reboot (and it probably won’t be the last), but I’m confused. Writer Scott Lobdell gives us the first issue of the Teen Titans featuring Red Robin (redesigned to look like the Falcon‘s sidekick), Wonder Girl (Cassie wearing a red version of Donna Troy‘s costume) and Kid Flash (who is probably Bart Allen, but never actually named).
In a world where super-hero youngsters are hard to control and potential targets for the secret government agency known as N.O.W.H.E.R.E. it appears Tim Drake has taken it on himself to form into a team. What’s unclear, however, is if the former Teen Titans (Nightwing, Starfire, Speedy, Beast Boy, etc.) ever existed in this version of the DCU. Is this the first time a team like this has been put together or is Drake just borrowing on the experiences of his predecessor?
Teen Titans #1 isn’t an awful first issue (the opening of Kid Flash aside), but for someone who was never a big Titans fan to begin with there’s very little here to bring me back for a second issue. Hit-and-Miss.
[DC, $2.99]
Actually, Kid Flash IS named on Tim Drake’s conspiracy wall thing. It’s really small, right above Tim’s left elbow, but it says there. And the creators have referred to him as Bart numerous times.
I know there has been plenty of talk from DC saying it was going to be Bart (and not Wally), but I thought it was interesting they didn’t come out and name him in the first issue. I missed seeing Bart’s name as part of Tim Drake’s research, nice catch!