- Title: Kung Fu Panda #5 (of 6)
- Wiki: link
- Writers: Quinn Johnson, Matt Anderson, Eric Hutchins
- Artist: CV Designs, Massimo Asaro

After four months where the mini-series had apparently run its course, Ape Entertainment’s Kung Fu Panda returns with the first of two new issues before beginning a new series Tales of the Dragon Warrior.
In the main story, “Discipline & Disorder,” Tigress and Po are sent to a nearby village under attack by the warlord Mei, a fox with an army and an invisible striking attack. When the pair find themselves outsmarted and stuck together in a Chinese finger trap they have to learn to work together to survive.
In the short back-up story, “Grrls Night Out,” Tigress and Viper attend the village of Lin Ju’s harvest celebration only to get in a bar fight at a local tavern started by two trying to hit on them.
Although neither adventure is terrific, each is fun and has a nice moral for kids. At $4 the price will always be high for this title, but fans of the characters should enjoy this one. For fans.
[Ape Entertainment, $3.99]