- Title: Justice League: Generation Lost #24 (of 24)
- Comic Vine: link
- Writer:Judd Winick
- Artist: Aaron Lopresti

The year-long series reaches the final confrontation between Maxwell Lord and the former members of the Justice League International. Or is it?
The League may have saved Wonder Woman from his wrath, but even in defeat Max Lord manages to salvage the situation by strengthening his hold over Checkmate and consolidating his power.
By far the best part of DC’s Brightest Day storyline, the series ends with Booster Gold and his team finally stopping Maxwell Lord in no small part thanks to the quick thinking of both Blue Beetle and Captain Atom.
The world may now know he exists, but Maxwell Lord isn’t going away. And he’s already started working on repairing his image. Too bad there’s not a team out there to keep an eye on him… or is there? Oh, yeah! Sounds good to me! Maybe we could get a little Guy Gardner (and even Captain Marvel?) this time around? Guess we’ll have to wait and see. Definitely worth a look.
[DC, $4.99]