- Title: Justice League: Generation Lost #23 (of 24)
- Comic Vine: link
- Writer:Judd Winick
- Artist: Joe Bennett

Batman has rejoined the team, they’ve finally found Wonder Woman… and all hell has just broken loose. Maxwell Lord has begun his endgame by releasing the OMAC Prime with one purpose: to kill Wonder Woman.
As super-evil-mastermind-plans go it’s a little anti-climactic, but there’s plenty of action this time around as Max has used the JLI once again to his own ends. Now he’s located Wonder Woman and only the former Justice Leaguers stand in his way to completing his revenge.
This still leaves quite a bit to be taken care of in the maxi-series’ extra-sized finale including 99.9% of the world’s heroes not knowing who Maxwell Lord is, oh, and saving Wonder Woman, too.
However this ends, and I feel pretty safe in assuming Wonder Woman isn’t going to die, writer Judd Winick has given us a DC year-long event I really enjoyed. I’m going to be sorry when this one’s over. Worth a look.
[DC, $2.99]