- Title: Green Lantern #43
- Comic Vine: link
- Writer: Robert Venditti
- Artist: Ethan Van Sciver

I’m on the fence about the latest course of Hal Jordan‘s life. On one hand I’m pleased that the comic has (for the most part) appeared to put the rainbow-colored corps in the rear-view mirror and allowed Jordan to wander the spaceways without being marred in the middle of a multi-faceted civil war of power rings. One the other hand I’m far from sold on the character’s new look that strips the character of one of the greatest super-hero costumes of all time for a trench coat covering a much more bland generic jumpsuit. The fact that the new storyline apparently will not only include but feature Black Hand and the resurrection (yet again) of the Black Lanterns is also far from welcome news.
Following the disappearance of the Corps, Hal’s journey for answers (with his opinionated ship and passengers) takes him to the Source Wall on the edge of the known universe where he runs into a bit of trouble with Relic which provides most of the issue’s action. Whether or not the storyline works at least it is bringing in a fresh take to the character and his cosmic adventures (which could easily have all the life squeezed out of them by the return of the zombie lanterns who are better left buried and forgotten). For fans.
[DC, $3.99]