- Title: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Nine #3
- Comic Vine: link
- Writer:Andrew Chambliss
- Artist: Georges Jeanty

The world without magic storyline continues as Buffy and the Scoobies are faced with two oddities that need answering. The first is Severin who has an unusual power to rip the demon from vampires and return the human body to a natural state of death. The second is the overly aggressive nature of vampires who have been sired since the Seed was destroyed.
Spike‘s investigation into the Siphon will answer one of Buffy’s questions (if he’s not too late for our plucky heroine). As to the vampires themselves, it appears with the hell dimensions now closed from our reality new vampires are really vampires, they’re zombie vampires, or zompires as Xander names them.
I was really impressed with issue #3, especially the dialogue and character interactions which felt much more natural and Whedon-esque than the previous issue (also penned by Andrew Chambliss). The story arcs seem more focused and character driven, and there’s some great humor throughout. If this is where Season Nine is going to go, I’m on-board. Worth a look.
[Dark Horse, $3.99]